The aim of the University is to educate at the level of higher vocational studies, on the basis of the decision of December 15 2003 received by the Minister of National Education and Sport, on entry into the register of non state vocational universities under number 143 The study programs meet all the recommendations of the Ministry of National Education and Sport and the Council Of the Main School of Education, and also obtained the approval of the State Accreditation Committee According to §1 sec 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 6 March 2007 on the manner of keeping the register of non public universities and associations of non public universities (Journal of Laws No 52 item 348 the number in the register of the University of Technology in Katowice is 286
In 2018 the Faculty of Medical Sciences was established prof Zbigniew Religa, offering education in the field of Nursing, giving the opportunity to gain one of the most universal and versatile medical professions, and medicine, which is one of the most prestigious professions